Wednesday, 14 June 2017

Memory of my first writing

Hello friends, today I want to share my first writing experience, the experience which was the first seed of my writing career. Most of the stories are begin with a word once upon a time so, let me share my first writing memory.

Once upon a time after high school I joined Holy Cross Institute to pursue my further studies in commerce. The institute was about 45 km away from my home and there was a little problem of transportation. So I decided to stay at Holy Cross boys hostel though, I was very home sick and affectionate with my mother.

First day at the institute, I was very exciting, new friends, new classroom, new teachers and it was my first hostel experience. But from the second day onwards I started become felling home sick and eventually I became introvert.  It was Saturday afternoon, I was depressed, and I was thinking about my home. At that moment our Principal, Sister Martha came and she said “Anup why are you sitting here, look at yourself just go outside and play volleyball with your friends. Do some physical activities, you will feel better”. Okay sister, I said and went outside for the game.

After two hours I came back and in very mysterious circumstances I became a new a person and form that magical evening onwards I became use to the new place and institute. Instantly I turned the pages of note book and I wrote down the experiences which I faced in first week of my hostel life. I wrote everything from the beginning that how much I was excited about the Holy Cross Institute, initial experiences and how I overcame from the home sick.

Gradually I started writing on different issues and topics and therefore, in order to counter the loneliness I became causal writer. So guys, it was my first writing experience and I look forward for your queries and comments.

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