Friday, 12 May 2017

The Cry of Freedom

The Cry of Freedom is an upcoming novel by an emerging author Anup R. Gupta. The story takes the readers into the eras of mid 1960s of India. As we know that India is a rich cultural country. It is well known for its valuable cultures and traditions.

Since the era of human civilization, India created the bank of infinite source of vast knowledge. It gave the world the knowledge of Vedas, Ayurveda, astronomy, yoga, spirituality, surgery science, town planning from Indus Valley Civilization and many more. Since, the ages of Mahabharata India talks about the presence & practice of nuclear weapons.

Despite of such an extensive rich cultural background, India still suffers major backdrops in modern era of civilization. The story of “The Cry of Freedom” is set in the contemporary periods of mid 1960s. It mainly talks about the challenges & difficulties faced by India and Indians after the reward of independence.

The story starts as; after the long 18 years of independence, country is not able to stand on its feet. Agriculture is the prime source of income. Low capita per income is the greatest challenge of the country. Though many large towns & cities are progressing with the time but rural India is yet to be free from the orthodox mindset of the people. Only the male members of the families are allowed to work outside. Working of women is a still a taboo for them and they are restricted to the household activities only. Strict caste system, untouchability, feudalism and orthodox traditions are still exists in the society.

Majority of the people is depended upon the rain-feed agricultural system. Under rainfall and over rainfall is the key constraint to the overall growth of agriculture. Population of rural India battles hard in pursuit of bread & butter. In many cases square of meal is the prevalent contest for them.

Similarly, in western countries people are more fascinating towards the consumer products. They are busy in buying more and more life style products in order to enhance their standard of living. Thanks to the industrial revolution they are living their life in a far better way.

On the backdrop of such situation “The Cry of Freedom” centrally revolves around the story of Narayangarh a village of Uttar Pradesh India where feudalism is in its extreme and thus, many beautiful characters took births due to the result of such endeavors.
Munna Baniya is a main protagonist who is a victim of a feudalism and poverty. He fights against orthodox rituals and injustice. In order to establish good governance he contests Panchayat election and according to constitutional methods he brings reforms in the society.

The Cry of Freedom is a fantasy novel which is a complete blend of root cultures & traditions, emotions, friendships, parenthood, political thriller, mellow drama, revenge and action. It will be a thrilling experience for every prospective reader. It has a power to connect the readers with their emotions, and it’s simple yet beautiful storytelling elegance.

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